Sunday, May 31, 2015

Water Works Week!

May 26th- 29th was Water Works Week at HTB! During this time, the teachers were encouraged to put special activities into place that involved water! As a school, we hosted two fun events this week that had our children BUZZING about water! First, we held a Kiddie Car Wash! The teachers and children gathered buckets, scrubbers, sponges and other cleaning tools to give our outside cars a good scrubbin'! Secondly, we kicked off the Summer with our first Water Day! The children had a blast getting soaked in our zany sprinklers and even had a good laugh getting some of our teachers wet as well! Here is a peek at the fun: 

3,2,1..... GO! Preschool Two takes off towards the sprinklers as water begins to shoot into the sky!

Preschool One is scrub-a-dub-dubbin' down our outside trucks! Great teamwork!

Preschool Two enjoyed jumping through the sprinklers and running away from the water laughing!

One friend from Preschool One takes her time to give our truck some extra shine during our Kiddie Car Wash!

Another friend from Preschool One, uses a spongy scrubber to help clean a truck while his friend searches for more scrubbers in the bucket.

Preschool Three takes advantage our this sunny afternoon by running through the water with friends and using buckets and other tools to "catch" the water!

Preschool One friends are LOVING our Kiddie Car Wash! We have a group of future master cleaners right here!:)

For more information about our program, please visit our website at:

For more fun activities involving water, please visit: