Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sensory Week

This week is all about senses.

There are so many amazing activities that you can do when your focused on senses. A good argument could be made for every activity that we do all year long involving your senses... But to specifically make it a focal point is a whole different ball game and it's honestly been so much fun to watch what the teachers and the kids come up with!
We are almost halfway through the week and just wanted to share with you some highlights from sensory week (so far). If you aren't already talking to your kids about what they are learning at school, I highly suggest that you start. I'm hearing 18 kids talking five hundred miles a minute every time that I go into a new room trying desperately to convey the magnitude of what they are learning!!

Our Nursery One Friends added a new smell (lemon) to their diffuser today! They explored the smelling sense with this and it was so funny to watch their faces change as the smells did in the room! Bonus: lemon essential oil stimulates the immune system! Win win.

Our Nursery Two Friends had an amazing time during JAM and they explored the sense of feeling by helping to plant a seed. They felt the dirt in their fingers and will be able to see as it grows!

Our Transition class made a sensory bin with a lot of different sized and textured toys to explore the feeling sense.

Our Toddler One and Two classes stayed combined for their sensory experiment today. They made homemade playdough and added different scents to it, there by exploring their sense of touch, sight, and smell. They loved it and we have bagged up all of the delicious smelling play-dough for further use! 

Preschool one explored their senses of sight and touch by freely painting what they wanted. They were all very excited to show me as I came by what each painting was (not that it wasn't obvious) :)

Preschool Two had an amazing time planting seeds, checking on their grass that is already growing and listening to different types of music today. They are dedicated to hitting every sense each day this week!

Pre K did AMAZING with the seed planting today. Ms. Shanice had them use all of their senses (with the exception of taste) every step of the way and discuss all the uses each different sense has in every day life.

I am so excited to see how this week continues to progress and am especially excited for the scented and colored water buckets for water day! We'll call it fairy soup.

Have a great rest of your week!


Friday, June 7, 2019


Kindergarten Boot Camp at Holly Tree is off to a great start!  Our KBC Spirit Week included camo day, tourist day, wacky Wednesday, and KBC shirt day!  We had cafeteria day on Thursday, where the children learned how to open milk cartons as well as ketchup packets.  They began working in their Kindergarten workbooks and even signed themselves into class.  We are thrilled to be giving these kiddos an amazing head start on Kindergarten basics!  

We can't wait to see the amazing progress they make over the summer!  Watch out Kindergarten, here come Holly Tree students!!!