Friday, August 8, 2014

Teething Soothers

Teething can be a momentous occasion for any baby. But along with that, can come many sleepless nights, cranky babies, and ideas about how to handle teething that don't really work. Teeth actually start developing while the baby is in the womb, when tooth buds form in the gums. Teeth break through one at a time in a period of months. First, the bottom two middle teeth, then the top two middle ones, then the ones along the sides and back. They may not all come in straight, but over time they usually straighten themselves out. All babies are different, but most seem to start teething around six months. There are many signs that accompany teething,but the classic ones are: drooling, chewing on solid objects, irritability and crankiness, and sore or tender gums. There are many solutions out there, but most only seem to provide very short relief. According to, many parents have come up with their own ways to relieve teething, and provide great relief for their babies. Some of the ideas parents had are:

  • Cold washcloths. You can also add ice chips to the washcloth, tie it up, and let them chew on it. 
  • Frozen bagels
  • Frozen grapes in a baby feeder mesh bag
  • Suck up water in a pacifier and then freeze it
  • Vibrating teething star (frozen)
  • Teething blanket
  • Freeze breast milk into ice cube trays and then place into baby feeder mesh bag

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