Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Letters to Heaven Balloon Release

    Holly Tree invited parents and children to write letters to loved ones in heaven and send the letters to school. On Wednesday, March 19th we had a "Letters to Heaven Balloon Release." Each classroom was invited outside and asked to bring their letter to their loved ones. We attached the letters to balloons and invited the children to send their letters off to heaven!

 First, we excitedly gathered on the playground with our friends to do the "Letters to Heaven Balloon Release" together!
 The Frank family sent a sweet letter to heaven to their passed pup. Zoey, in the Toddler room & Zane, in Preschool 1, loved their sweet dog dearly. They took this opportunity to tell their pup how much he is loved and missed.
 Logan & Jack from Preschool 3 watch as they send a letter off to heaven.
 Up, up, & away!
 Ms. Quita used this opportunity to write a letter to her grandfather & uncle that have passed onto heaven.
 After all the letters were sent to heaven, we did have some balloons left over. Quinn, of the Toddler room helped us release more balloons to heaven. Even though we had no more letters to attach, we are sure our passed loved ones (and our little ones) enjoyed them:)
 Ava, who is also in our Toddler room, decided to hold onto the balloon for awhile. With that sweet smile, we were in no rush!

Thank you to all of the families that helped our children write a letter to heaven and make this experience something special for all of us to enjoy!

For more information about our program, please visit our website at: http://www.hollytreechildcare.com