Friday, March 28, 2014

Better Behavior Through Loving Discipline

    As children grow up, it is natural for them to challenge you. Sometimes, it just seems easier to let them have their way when actually, young children need limits and their parent's guidance. Discipline works best with a balance of love, respect, clearly defined rules, and understanding. Here are some secrets to effective discipline:

Make Rules Clear: You will see an improvement in your child's behavior when the child knows what to expect. Talk about family rules and explain consequences clearly. For example, for a rule such as "Take care of belongings," you might tell your youngster that if a bike is left out, he doesn't get to ride it the next day. As a child learns to read, write down the rules and put them on the refrigerator as a reminder. Tip: Children are more likely to remember the rules if the rules are few and specific.

Be Consistent & Firm: You can expect your youngster to "test" the rules from time to time. When the child does, stand your ground and apply the set consequences. Being firm and consistent lets the child know that you mean what you say. 

Give Positive Feedback: Shift your focus to what your child does right as opposed to what they do wrong. This will encourage them to try even harder to behave. When you see behavior that you would like repeated, let them know. For example, " I love the way you cleaned your room today."

Information courtesy of Resources for Educators. For more information, please visit their website at:

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