Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Fun! 

Parties, crafts, lights, fellowship and great food are just a few ways to have a great time with friends and family! We had a visit from Santa also! Some of our friends were not excited to see Santa, but our older children loved every minute they were able to spend with him! After nap-time the air was filled with laughter and Christmas music! The classrooms had tons of food to eat! There was veggies, sweets, cheese, meat, crackers, and fruit for all the children to enjoy! 

Ms. Shanice and Ms. Kerida's classroom working an a class art mural.

In our Toddler class they enjoyed their fruit and their cookies!

In our Transitional class our friends enjoyed their cheese, but they also Loved their cupcakes! 

Best buddies getting a hug before they went home for the weekend! 

One of our mom's read a story to all of our friend in our Pre-K class before they had their snack!

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