Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Importance of Hand Washing

Why is washing your hands so important? It helps to stop the spread of  germs that we come in contact with daily. From Changing diapers to playing in the dirt-good hand washing, if
done correctly, is the first line of protection to stop the spread of many illnesses.

 Is there a right or wrong way to wash your hands? Yes!
There are a couple of steps that you should take to ensure that your hands are being washed correctly. If you are not sure if you should wash your hands, just do it! It could save you a trip to the doctor!

Steps for cleaning your hands:

1. Wet your hands with warm water
2.Apply soap
3. Lather your hands, making sure you lather the backs of your hands, in between your fingers and under your nails.
4. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. (For little ones,you could sing "ABC's")
5. Rinse your hands thoroughly 
6. Dry your hands using a clean towel, then use towel to turn off water.

 When Should We Wash Hands?

1. After changing a diaper or using the restroom
2. After you blow your nose, cough, or sneeze. Also,after you clean a child's nose.
3. Before preparing food or eating food
4. After playing with any animal or cleaning an animal space
5. After playing outside
6. After taking out the trash or place trash in garbage can
7. Before and after being with someone who is sick
8. Before and after cleaning a wound

For more  information about proper hand washing and it's importance, please visit:

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