Monday, July 2, 2018

Teacher Appreciation

    I'm sure that most centers believe that they have the best group of teachers. Actually, I know this for a fact. We all talk about it all the time. However; I not only believe it, but I know it to be true. 

      Ms. Caroline and I have been talking- and although we find it effective to have every teacher's bio outside of their personal doors...we realize that not a lot of you have time to stop and read about every single staff member; especially when those teachers are not in your specific child's classroom. We would like to in some way rectify this! We want to recognize the amazingly talented teachers that we have working with your children. They deserve to be put on pedestal more often than just during teacher appreciation. With these highlighted teachers we hope to inform you about each one by the time all is said and done! I know anyone who knows these incredible people the way that I do will be equally as impressed! 

Ms. Bea 

      Ms. Beatrice Cochran is the transition teacher in our front building. In October 2017 she was working at the Academy of Powell Place, they had to close for renovations to the school for several months. All teachers and students were relocated to different centers while the repairs and renovations were being made. Ms bea happened to get sent to Holly Tree. Once the repairs were finished and Powell Place was back up and running- Ms. Bea had already fallen in love with Holly Tree. She has been a part of us since! We are so lucky to have her!

    She graduated with a B.S. from Oklahoma Christian University. Before her time at The Academy she was working with special needs children in the Nashville Public school system. 

   A bonus to Ms. Bea being here is that we also get the pleasure of teaching her beautiful and sweet daughter, Jane. 

   Ms. Bea loves her room. In my opinion Transition is one of the more difficult rooms to teach in. She takes children who have been in cribs and moves them to cots- in a gentle and easy way. They move from their own nap schedules and somehow all end up on the 12-2 schedule without her forcing anyone to stay awake at any point during the day! She takes babies who have been eating in high chairs and transition them to sitting at a table, feeding themselves (WITH utensils!). She takes little ones from bottles to sippy cups! It's truly an inspiration to see how effortless it seems for her! Keeping ALL of this in mind' it is nothing compared to how much she loves these kids. She is so patient and understanding with them. She is the first to call me back to have me check someone out to make sure nothing is going on with them, even if they just didn't eat like normal or sleep as long as they normally do. She memorizes schedules and each child preference for things and always lets me or Caroline know when someone seems even a bit off! 

   Ms. Bea is wonderful at easing anxious parents' minds. It's always diffuclt to watch your baby transition into being a toddler but Ms. Bea is constantly communicating with parents, she makes sure that they are a part of every single decision that is made and constantly checks in! 

    She is always friendly with new staff members and parents (even if they don't have a child in her class) and greets each one with a smile and never has a negative thing to say! We could all benefit from having someone like Ms. Bea working on our teams! Caroline and I count ourselves as extremely blessed that she chose to stay at Holly Tree and now calls it home! 

    If you ever get the chance to stop by and say hello to her; I promise you will not be disappointed!