Turn Mealtime Into Learning Time!

Mealtime is a great time for you child to learn. They can learn manner's, independence, work on fine and gross motor skills, and build math skills. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, mealtimes are ideal for modeling manners and for serving up some learning. What can your child learn while preparing a meal? Below are a few examples.
Use of Manners:
Chew with your mouth closed
Say please, thank you, your're welcome, and excuse me.
Sit in a chair while eating at a table
Pick up food with a spoon or fork
Ask for and pass food politely
Gain Independence:
Serve themselves and pour their drinks
Discuss feelings, experiences, and plans
Make good choices about healthy foods and drinks
Try foods they may not have tried before
Distinguish left from right
Do things for themselves with a teacher's guidance, if needed
Stay Healthy
Wipe the table with a damp paper towel before and after eating
wash hands before and after eating
cough or sneeze into an elbow
throw away food that falls on the floor
place dirty utensils, cups, and plates in the sink or dishpan
Wipe face and hands with a napkin
Take small bites and chew completely before swallowing
Take part in Conversation
Establish eye contact
Use indoor voices
Swallow before speaking
Engage in small talk
Listen while other are talking
Ask for someone's attention in a polite manner
Discuss like and dislikes
Follow directions and respond to request
Practice Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Turn on the water faucet, pump soap,wash hands, and dry with a paper towel
Set the table with plates, silverware, and cups
Fold napkins
Pour drinks with minimal spillage
wipe up spills with a paper towel or sponge
serve themselves using a large spoon or tongs
pass a bowl or pitcher of milk from person to person
Build Math Skills
Count how many children are in the room. How any adults? How many apple slices are left on the plate?
Apply one-to-one correspondence as they set the table with one plate, cup, and napkins for each child.
make and name geometric figures. Fold the square napkin in half. What shape does it look like now?
Measure liquids. The pitcher has enough milk to fill six cups
For more information about this you can visit:http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/article/turn-mealtime-into-learning-time
For more information about our program visit us at: http://hollytreechildcare.com
Use of Manners:
Chew with your mouth closed
Say please, thank you, your're welcome, and excuse me.
Sit in a chair while eating at a table
Pick up food with a spoon or fork
Ask for and pass food politely
Gain Independence:
Serve themselves and pour their drinks
Discuss feelings, experiences, and plans
Make good choices about healthy foods and drinks
Try foods they may not have tried before
Distinguish left from right
Do things for themselves with a teacher's guidance, if needed
Stay Healthy
Wipe the table with a damp paper towel before and after eating
wash hands before and after eating
cough or sneeze into an elbow
throw away food that falls on the floor
place dirty utensils, cups, and plates in the sink or dishpan
Wipe face and hands with a napkin
Take small bites and chew completely before swallowing
Take part in Conversation
Establish eye contact
Use indoor voices
Swallow before speaking
Engage in small talk
Listen while other are talking
Ask for someone's attention in a polite manner
Discuss like and dislikes
Follow directions and respond to request
Practice Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Turn on the water faucet, pump soap,wash hands, and dry with a paper towel
Set the table with plates, silverware, and cups
Fold napkins
Pour drinks with minimal spillage
wipe up spills with a paper towel or sponge
serve themselves using a large spoon or tongs
pass a bowl or pitcher of milk from person to person
Build Math Skills
Count how many children are in the room. How any adults? How many apple slices are left on the plate?
Apply one-to-one correspondence as they set the table with one plate, cup, and napkins for each child.
make and name geometric figures. Fold the square napkin in half. What shape does it look like now?
Measure liquids. The pitcher has enough milk to fill six cups
For more information about this you can visit:http://www.naeyc.org/tyc/article/turn-mealtime-into-learning-time
For more information about our program visit us at: http://hollytreechildcare.com