Reading To Our Children
Here at Holly Tree of Brentwood, we love taking a few minutes multiple times everyday to read to our children. Reading can create a connection with teachers and their students that can build lasting relationships. Having a love for books and reading starts before your child is even born!
According to Julie Temple Stan, the Editorial Director of Early Moments Book Clubs, You should start reading to your children while they are still inside the womb. As early as 6 months in utero, your baby is already accustomed to the sound of his mother's heartbeat, the rushing of blood through the umbilical cord, and digestive sounds. Reading to your baby early on can establish a bonding relationship, and get your baby used to your voice before they exit the womb. When your baby is 0-3 months old, this is the perfect time to reintroduce the stories and nursery rhymes that you read to them while they were still in the womb. You may even find that your baby is comforted by these familiar rhymes or stories.
Fun literacy activities that you will start to see your toddler develop are pretending to read by moving their finger up and down and across the page. They will probably enjoy turning the pages and holding the book while you read to them. For 2-3 year olds, reading should become a part of your daily routine. Your child will become much more willing to sit in a chair and read a few books with you. For 3-4 year olds, start getting them familiar with reading everyday things. Point out objects like cereal boxes, billboards, street signs and grocery store displays. For 4-6 year olds, they are more than likely going to read their first words. They might engage in other literacy activities too like wanting to write their own story, or trying to read on their own.

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