10 Fantastic Things to do with Toddlers & Preschoolers
Whether it is just a weekend, a snow day, or maybe a family day, as a parent, it is always a good idea to have a few tricks up your sleeve when it comes to being at home with your children! Children have so much energy and imagination! Developing activities that they find entertaining can be easier than you may think. Who knows, you may just find that your having fun too:) In any case, we have found some activities that the whole family will enjoy.
1. Set up a "Toy Washing Center"- Children love to help, it is in their nature! AND if this activity helps you get around to some of that spring cleaning that you have been meaning to do, then so be it :) First, put a bucket of water at the end of the table, some soap and sponges in the middle, another bucket of water, and towels at the end of the table. Have 2- 3 children dip the toys in the water and pass it down the line to get cleaned, rinsed, and dried.
2. Star Stickers- Place stickers on your child's pointer fingers and yours. Practice positional words such as high, low, over, and under as you move stars around. Then sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and move the stars around to make them twinkle.
3. Start a Collection- Take a walk around your house and find items in nature to start a collection, for example, rocks, leaves, or pine cones.
4. "Cook" with your child- Put a scoop of flour on the table, add a bit of water, and encourage child to mix it together to make dough. Allow them to shape it, squish it, and cut it with cookie cutters!

5. Find it Scavenger Hunt!- Make a picture list of items that the child can go find around the house, for example, a blanket, ball, or a toy car. For added fun, give the child a bucket, binoculars, and a safari hat!
6. Snap, Crackle, Pop- Have different materials, such as an empty chip bag, tissue paper, and paper. Children move the items in different ways and describe the sounds.
7. Family Picture- Get out a roll of paper (wrapping paper will work too) and fun dress-up props and have a family photo session!
8. Dress Up Dance- Put different dress-up items in a circle. Use items that are easy to take on and off like hats and scarves. Play music and let the children walk around in a circle in dress up clothes. When the music stops, they put on the article of clothing they are standing in front of, and do a dance!
9. "I Wonder"- Place different items into a pillow case. Have the child close their eyes, reach into the bag, and feel an item. Ask the child to try to guess what it is by touch, while their eyes are still closed.
10. Bubble Fun- Blow bubbles and have the children try to pop them with different parts of their body, such as their elbows or feet. Try this inside on a rainy day or outside.
For more fun activities for toddlers and preschooler, please visit: http://fun.familyeducation.com
For more information about our program, please visit our website at: http://hollytreechildcare.com